Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

Friday, 8 February 2013

LibertyReserve Curl Scam Script

Hello All Members..its been a long time i have not posted Any thing..So i thought today i should share something valuable to my all fellow hackers..Its Worth 2000$ in underground Forums.

Its Features are that it creates a link for u.when you put it on your website or anywhere and people come and pay any amount ( even 0.01 ), this script will automatically transfer all funds to your specified LR works awesome.and i know many of you already know about it and if you guys dont know about it then search for it on google.
Well..Nuff said,

Here is the link to Download:

Open and extract script files anywhere and then upload it to your webhost.
Installation manual is also included in the package.

I take no Responcibilty about what u do..
Have Fun